

This part of the device programming activity can be done as soon as the boards are in your hands. Watch a few videos (curated from the web), learn about the general programming approach, and get the LEDs to blink!

You will then think again about how to use functions in your programs, and learn how to use the push button integrated with the board.

The debugging section will make sure you are familiar with what happens when you make errors. It is quite difficult to understand what problems you have when you don’t have a screen to report messages - but there are techniques available.

Many people find it useful to pass text to the computer connected to the board for debugging purpose. While the corresponding microcontroller code is easy, it is more difficult to configure your computer to get it to work. Give a try, but don’t panic if you can’t!


  1. STM32F746 STMicroelectronics development board (provided)
  2. Micro-USB to USB cable (transmitting power & data)
  3. Computer with web browser, internet connection and USB port available.
